The syntax is - service [service name] [option]
The available options are
--start - Start the stopped services
--stop - Stop currently running services
--restart - Restart a service
--status - Check status of a service
Here are some example to show how it works
I want to check and stop the service of Network Manager. So first i want to check the status of the Network Manager. Issue following command as a root.
[root@fedora fedora 11]# service NetworkManager status
NetworkManager(pid 5054) is running ...
[root@fedora fedora 11]#
Ok now the service is running. So now i am going to stop the service.
[root@fedora fedora 11]# service NetworkManager start
Starting NetworkManager daemon: [OK]
[root@fedora fedora 11]#
To check all services issue services --status-all
To get help services --help