Thursday, June 24, 2010

Control Linux Services in command line

Linux OS also runs several services like windows. Some times most of them are not useful or sometimes some of them are reduce PC performance. So how to manage those service in Linux. Here i show the basic way to control those service through the command line in fedora.

The syntax is - service [service name] [option]

The available options are
--start - Start the stopped services
--stop - Stop currently running services
--restart - Restart a service
--status - Check status of a service

Here are some example to show how it works

I want to check and stop the service of Network Manager. So first i want to check the status of the Network Manager. Issue following command as a root.
[root@fedora fedora 11]# service NetworkManager status
NetworkManager(pid 5054) is running ...
[root@fedora fedora 11]#

Ok now the service is running. So now i am going to stop the service.
[root@fedora fedora 11]# service NetworkManager start
Starting NetworkManager daemon: [OK]
[root@fedora fedora 11]#

To check all services issue services --status-all
To get help services --help

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

OpenSUSE 11.2 Released

OpenSUSE is an open source OS and free to use with your PC, laptops and as a servers. The OpenSUSE newest version 11.2 has been released and you can download it from It includes GNOME, KDE and many user friendly applications. Here are some screen shots provide by the OpenSUSE web site for its new release.

Find more details on

Monday, June 21, 2010

Real simulation with GNS3

Use any GNS3 support Cisco IOS images and do your simulation. No need of physical routers and switches. You need GNS3 and some Cisco IOS.

Go to to download your copy !!!!

Find your Cisco IOS on the internet.

Putty Console 0.6

Putty console 0.6 for Linux. This application is necessary when you are using GNS3 in Linux. This gives better view and performance in Linux.

Flash Player 10 for Linux

Download Adobe Flash Player 10 for Linux

Format :.tar
Size : 4.7MB

Download :